Lined Notebook

분사 - 구문이 되다 - 의미상 시제

by kokh

(1) 일반분사(즉 동사의 현재분사, 과거분사형)이 쓰임 - 분사구문의 의미상의 시제가 주절의 시제와 일치


The sun rising over the mountain, we marched again.

태양이 산 위로 떠오를 때 우리들은 다시 행군했다.

주절 : we marched again (과거시제)

분사구문 : The sun rising over the mountain (현재분사, 주절의 시제와 일치) = When the sun rose over the mountain(과거시제)

= When the sun rose over the mountain, we marched again


Written in English, the book is difficult to read.

그 책은 영어로 쓰여 있기 때문에 읽기가 어렵다.

주절 : the book is difficult to read(현재시제)

분사구문 : Written in English (과거분사형, 주절와 시제와 일치) = As it is written in English(현재시제)

= As it is written in English, the book is difficult to read.


(2) 완료분사(즉 having+과거분사, having+been+타동사의 과거분사)가 쓰임 - 분사구문의 의미상의 시제가 주절의 시제보다 앞섬.


Having finished his homework, the boy went to the movies.

그의 숙제를 끝낸 뒤에 그 소년은 영화를 보러 갔다.

주절 : the boy went to the movies (과거시제)

분사구문 : Having finished his homework (완료분사형, 주절의 시제보다 앞섬.) - After he had finished his homework(과거완료시제)

= After he had finished his homework, the boy went to the movies.


Having been helped by his friends, he could succeed in his business.

그는 그의 친구들에 의해 도움을 받았기 때문에 그의 사업에 성공할 수가 있었다.

주절 : he could succeed in his business (과거시제)

분사구문 : Having been helped by his friends (완료분사형, 주절의 시제보다 앞섬.) - As he had been helped by his friends(과거완료시제)

= As he had been helped by his friends, he could succeed in his business.



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